
COVID-19 explained to children and young people

Check out this really this brilliant resource on how to explain to children and young people how to behave in this really challenging period: Dave the Dog

Resources for homeschooling


With everyone on lockdown, home schooling children and young people can be difficult. Here are some useful links to help with extra resources which are FREE to download and use as often as you wish. I will refresh this every week, if you have any ideas please send them to me and I will put them up on the website and Facebook. You can contact me on my  email aiveen.kavanagh@burc.org

  • TWINKL  www.twinkl.co.uk – Fantastic resource for all age groups
  • Classroom Secrets  https://classroomsecrets.co.uk  – Providing fun, interactive and practical home learning resources.
  • ebooks: Set up a free parent account oxfordowl.co.uk

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

UPDATE – BURC’s Welfare Advice service

We may be in uncertain times but we are still here providing advice and up to date information, if you are claiming benefits or considering claiming benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can either email Joanne.Farrell@burc.org and provide a brief explanation of your enquiry or you may telephone 028 9096 1111.

Recent announcements from the Department for Communities (DFC):

  • All appointments at your local benefit offices have been suspended, you should contact your work coach through your online journal or by telephoning the office
  • Access to work participants will continue to receive their payments as usual
  • If you are due to sign-on (JSA), you are excused from signing for time being
  • Universal Credit may need to speak with you, this will be done through your online journal or by telephone if necessary
  • Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) may need to speak with you to complete your claim, this will be done by telephone
  • Welfare Supplementary Payments (WSP’s) paid to a claimant while appealing a PIP award, WSP’s will now be extended

If you have any questions, issues with payments, difficulties claiming benefits, unsure of what to claim, send an email to our Welfare Advice Service and you will get one to one advice from our adviser. In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), the centre is closed but we have adapted other ways of advising our clients and keeping everyone safe

Check out our website, Facebook and Twitter for regular updates as information is changing often.

Routes to Resilience Courses Booklet

Routes to Resilience (R2R) is a 5 year programme funded by the Big Lottery. Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre is working in partnership with PlayBoard NI to deliver this project.  You can now dowload our Routes to Resilliance Booklet here.

Download Booklet

Download the Routes to Resilience Courses Booklet here.

BURC Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in volunteering for BURC?
Volunteers are an integral part of our organisation. They bring experience, skills and diversity which complement the work of our paid staff in delivering essential services to the community. Please fill in our Volunteer Opportunities form.